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Penis Envy

Penis Envy is a potent variety of psilocybin mushroom, recognized for its phallic form. Its effects can be intense, hence it's advisable for those inexperienced with psychedelics to begin with small doses.

Effects of Penis Envy Mushrooms

The effects can differ among individuals, but some common experiences are noted below. It's always recommended to conduct thorough research before trying psilocybin mushrooms for the first time.


The primary benefits of these mushrooms can also be their downfall for some users. They are typically intense, and the high often rapidly escalates into waves of sensation throughout the body. The onset of this potent strain of psilocybin mushrooms can be felt as quickly as 30 minutes.

Penis Envy induces a strong sense of euphoria and heightened energy, which can occasionally result in anxiety for some individuals. The high intensifies until it reaches a plateau, lasting 1-3 hours. Afterwards, you will gradually descend back into waves of euphoria throughout the body.

Penis Envy mushrooms offer a more lucid high compared to other potent strains, but experiences can vary among individuals.


Negative trips are uncommon, but they can occur, especially with stronger psilocybin mushroom varieties like Penis Envy. Pay attention to the warning signs and trust your instincts. You'll know you're entering a negative headspace when you start to feel uneasy, anxious, or restless.

If you've consumed too much and it's becoming overwhelming, take a few deep breaths, have a shower to wash away the negative energy. This can help reset your mind and may even improve your mood in some instances. If it's not too crowded outside, you could also consider going for a walk.

Dosing Penis Envy Mushrooms

Penis Envy should be consumed in small quantities unless you are accustomed to taking psychedelic substances. Novices should aim for 1-2g of dried Penis Envy mushrooms. For those with experience, 3-5g will yield a more potent effect.

There are several methods to consume Penis Envy mushrooms. They can be eaten directly, brewed into a tea, or ground and crushed into an extract for baking. Another popular method is using them as a topping on other foods, such as pizza.

Microdosing Penis Envy

Penis Envy is an excellent strain for microdosing. Given its high psilocybin content, small doses are sufficient. If you plan to microdose, you should take mushrooms at 1/20th to 1/10th the average recreational dose. This can assist with conditions like depression, anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, or any situation that could benefit from a mood boost.